One of the most common mistakes made by people when they're trying to lose weight is to approach it with a light-hearted attitude, rather than approaching it with the kind of 'project' attitude that's more appropriate. When I worked in fitness, the kind of people who did well were those who knew that they would only lose weight if they took the time to learn all that they could, and then actually apply that information whilst keeping a track of what they were doing and following a goal.
The best information that I've ever come across online is available at the moment at a price that is just crazy. It's the same info that I used to lose weight and I've applied a lot of the teachings into the practices and methods that I teach my clients. If you're serious about your weight loss goals, you need to think about investing in the best information that's available, and you can click on the Get It Now button below to take your weight loss to a whole new level!
Here's something that you could try - Invest In A Diary - If you were working on a project, you would invest in some kind of record-keeping equipment, whether it was a spreadsheet on your computer, or a log somewhere on paper - so take the same approach to your weight loss. Go for something big, that allows you to write a full page for each day of the week. That way, for each day you can write down first of all what you plan to do for that day, then at the end of each day you can write down what you actually did for the day.
This works great because you are able to visualise where you might be going right, or where you might be going wrong. You're only able to rectify mistakes if you know you're making them in the first place!