Are you well educated when it comes to weight loss?

I've worked in the weight loss niche for many years, and the one thing I find is that most people struggle because they make poor choices early on. It's these poor choices that have a negative impact because people spend their time working hard at things that don't actually work for their body. They then struggle to see any results at all, and then get down-hearted because things haven't worked out the way that they wanted to. 

For example, there are some exercises that just work better than others. Fact. Ignore all the nonsense about ensuring that you lose weight in certain areas first. The fact is, if you're overweight, you need to focus on losing weight in general, and exercising and diet changes are going to help you to do that. But there are some exercises that will have minimal impacts, and others that will have a huge impact. 

Do you know which is which?

Some foods are better in weight loss than others. Or more specifically, some foods are considerably worse than others. Many people make the mistake of thinking that because they are losing weight, they just cut out sugar and fat and everything else is good for them. Not always the case. And anyway, do you know what to look out for when you're buying or preparing food? I caught one of my clients bringing a salad to a workout day with her, and when I got her to read the label we realised it had more fat than the average cheeseburger. 

It's these mistakes that cost you in the long-run. 

Education is key in anything, and that's never been more true than in your weight loss endeavours.